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After-School Enrichment Programs



Statistics show that the majority of crimes committed by youth are done between the hours of 3:00 and 6:00p.m. Community Partners believes that if children are given positive and fun alternatives to “hanging out,” it will not only decrease the level of crimes, drug abuse, and teen pregnancy, but it will also give the youth the opportunity to enhance their ability to achieve academic and social excellence.

Community Partners’ ASEP works with other after-school programs to provide youth with creative programs that are fun and educational. ASEP is responsible for having guest speakers attend after-school programs to discuss drug/alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy prevention, teen violence prevention, and AIDS/HIV awareness. ASEP is also responsible for providing tutorial services and mentoring programs to youth.

The After School Enrichment Program provides a warm, caring environment after school where youth have the opportunity to improve academically and physically . ASEP offers exciting activities which stimulate children to be healthier and happier, including sports, art activities and computer exploration. After School Enrichment Programs operate in Columbus City schools and participating recreation centers, utilizing age-appropriate materials and equipment for students.  Besides academic support, the ASEP program focuses on the development of students’ social skills.

Youth Sponsorships

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